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Follow the trend and take advantage of it to meet the challenging 2023

Wave goodbye to 2022 and welcome 2023. On behalf of RHITL Logistics Co., LTD., I would like to extend my sincere greetings and heartful gratitude to all the clients and business partners who have offered trust and recognition to RHITL, to the governmental and industry offices who have supported and helped RHITL, and to all the diligent and responsible  staff and their families who stay together with RHITL in the past year.

This year, the past was the prologue. RHITL people took 2022 as a new starting point and were endeavored to overcome all the difficulties together. They actively faced each lockdown and control caused by the epidemic by working online even at home. With the service goal of meeting customer needs and ensuring customer production, RHITL people had overcome numerous difficulties, and completed one international transportation project after another by introducing new ideas and new operation models.

This year was the third year of the outbreak of the epidemic. The logistics and freight forwarding industry experienced another baptism. The change in the global trade pattern led to structural changes in the demand of the shipping market. The outbreak of the Russia Ukraine war made the economic environment worse, the global energy price further pushed up, and the supply chain industry was hit unprecedentedly. In 2021, one single container was difficult to obtain, but in the end of 2022 the export freight rate declined precipitously. RHITL people grasped the nettle, coped with the impact and change of the industry, and adjusted the layout and scheme in time to ensure the stability of the business.

In 2023, the restoration of order after the pandemic will be a new starting point for historical change. With the release of the national epidemic prevention policy and the gradual recovery of the economy, we will face new opportunities and challenges.

As time goes by, the new year begins again. After a thousand sails, spring is gathering pace.

In 2023, we will start again with full expectation. Industry mergers, acquisitions and integration are accelerating. Shipping enterprises are extending the scope of supply chain services. RHITL people will also catch up and develop a new business model with RHITL characteristics in the competition among thousands of competitors. International and domestic multi-party interaction has accelerated the expansion of business scale, accelerated the adjustment of market layout, and created a new business model from point to area.

In 2023, the wise will change with the times, and the wise will be determined according to the situation. RHITL will take 2023 as an opportunity to seize new market opportunities, integrate advantageous resources, continue to further optimize RHITL's supply chain system, strengthen risk management and internal construction simultaneously, and shape RHITL's brand and enhance its industrial competitiveness.

In 2023, digital construction will accelerate. A new business IT system will be launched soon, which will help the management and digital presentation of business. RHITL will continue to build a comprehensive digital set-up with the main business system as the core and subsystems as the auxiliary, to layout the foundation for an efficient, innovative and information-based development in the future.

Following the trend and taking advantage of it, RHITL people will seize new opportunities, develop new business forms, get ready for the challenging 2023, and start again with expectations.

Finally, I wish all the clients, friends, staff and their families good health, success and good luck in the New Year of Rabbit!

RHITL Logistics Co.,Ltd.

Manager SunTao


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